Lunes 10 de julio 14 hs por Zoom

Seminario "How about Polyphenolic-rich fruits and bone health?" por Dra. Connie Weaver

Ciclo de seminarios INIGEM 2023

How about Polyphenolic-rich fruits and bone health?

Dra. Connie Weaver
Distinguished Research Professor
San Diego State University, USA

Epidemiological studies have shown associations between polyphenol-rich fruit intake and bone health and preclinical studies have shown blueberries improve bone health. A multi-institutional team of investigators performed in vitro, preclinical and clinical studies on blueberry varieties that differed in anthocyanin profiles. We aimed to determine the variety and dose of blueberries that are effective in ameliorating age-related bone loss. Bioavailability of polyphenols varied across specific flavonoids. Host x dose interactions were observed in polyphenol metabolism and gut microbiome profiles. Sex differences in response to blueberry feeding occurred in recovery of sex-steroid deficiency-induced bone loss and by different mechanisms in a preclinical mouse model. Lower doses of blueberries were more effective in preventing bone calcium loss in OVX-rats and postmenopausal women. High doses of blueberry polyphenols as an extract were safe up to an equivalent of 10 g polyphenols per day. We found that dietary blueberries 0.75 cups per day can protect against bone loss due to age-related sex-hormone deficiency.

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